NOC of Georgia 28 years old

06 October 2017

On October 6th Georgian NOC organized at its headquarters the 28th anniversary events since the establishment in 1989. 

The festive events were attended  by the Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs of Georgia T.Khechikashvili, leaders of the NSFs, NOC EB members, Olympic champions and prizewinners as well as outstanding Georgian athletes.

GNOC President L. Khabelov made the welcome speech recollecting the date of NOC establishment and its affiliation to the IOC debriefing on the history of the development of Georgian Olympic movement throughout 28 years. The president outlined successful achievements of Georgian athletes at the Olympic Games. L. Khabelov expressed gratitude to the  sport officials and  all those  people who have been actively involved in the Olympic movement  making significant contribution to the popularization of Olympism countrywide. 

During the festive celebration NOC President congratulated 19 Georgian athletes who were selected and approved by the IOC Olympic Solidarity for "Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games" Program and handed over relevant Certificates encouraging them to continue active training and preparation for the Olympics. L.Khabelov wished successful accomplishments to the  Tokyo 2020 scholarship holders expressing his confidence that Georgia will be represented worthily at the Games after 3 years.

The same day NOC President handed over IOC Diplomas to the 18 successful graduates of the ASMC which was organized with the direct support of the Olympic Solidarity.

During the gathering NOC has specially congratulated Olympic champion in weightlifting, veteran athlete Rafael Chimishkyan on occasion of his 65th anniversary since his victory in the Olympic Games and presented a prize money as an appreciation of his contribution.

The anniversary date was also  significant by awarding the silver medal received from the IOC  to the former member of the Georgian national team in weightlifting Arsen Kasabiev who currently competes under Polish colors. During testing of samples from the Beijing and London Olympic Games two athletes have tested positive in 94 kg weight category of weightlifting. The doping test has resulted in withdrawal of medals from the athletes concerned and according to the IOC decision silver medalist Polish athlete Szimon Kolecki received the gold medal while Arsen Kasabiev  accordingly was declared as silver medalist. 

As of current data Georgia acquires 39 gold medals, 31-silver and 56-bonze with total  126 Olympic medals.